Whey Protein Isolate
Whey protein isolate (WPI) is the holy grail of protein powders, most pure form of whey protein available. Whey protein isolate has the highest amount of pure protein, typically containing around 85% to 98% pure protein. Not only whey protein isolate the most pure form of protein, but it also has the highest biological value (BV). Biological value is a measure of how fast your body can use a fuel source.
Whey protein isolate is great for both fat loss and muscle gain. Out of all the protein whey sources, isolate has the lowest amount of fat and lactose.
Maxine's Burn Saver by Max's Leave flavour choice in the comments section If you do not make a choice, then we will make a random selection for you.... more info
Gold Standard 100% Whey by Optimum Nutrition Packed with Whey Protein Isolates Higher Pure Protein Percentage Fast-Acting HYDROWHEY Whey Peptides... more info
Whey Protein Concentrate by Natural Road 1Kg Natural Road WPC is a premium quality whey protein concentrate which is high in protein, low in... more info
Whey Protein Isolate by Natural Road 1Kg Natural Road WPI is a premium quality whey protein isolate which is high in protein, low in carbohydrates... more info